Saturday, March 24, 2012

Perchance to dream...

I have almost total recall of my dreams. This isn't a great thing, mainly because my dreams are weird beyond belief. For example, here's a little gem from last night.....

I was at an international swim meet. I wasn't participating, just watching. The competitors were all wearing large dorsal fins and this made them incredibly fast. We're talking 1000 yards in 2.6 seconds fast. Naturally, the crowd was rooting for the American team.

The competition was a tie as we went into the last event, the diving competition. The platforms were on hydraulics, and the divers were leaping and plummeting thousands of feet to the water below. The competition was a dead heat, and the platforms were raised so high that they could not be measured without the aid of satellite photography.

While we were waiting for the final results to come back, the Americans in the crowd began to sing the National Anthem. Unfortunately, this was prohibited by the event organizers, so I was rushing around trying to silence the crowd by silently mouthing the word "Forfeit". Everyone understood, and they silenced themselves.

We won the competition, and the grand prize was free heating oil for the Olympic training compound. The prize was presented in a video hosted by Bob Saget and Joanna Kerns. They were in the White House, and of course, many "humorous" things happened. Saget fell off a chair and chased a dog through the oval office. The video ended with a fire in the White House. Joanna Kerns was perched atop a ladder, smudged in soot, her hair singed, while Saget cooked a marshmallow off of her flaming shoe.

Then I woke up.

Weird, huh? I sometimes wish I could just dream of normal stuff, like nuns wrestling in Jell-O.

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